A woman is like a garden.
She is lush and beautiful.
She is deeply rooted.
She is like a wildflower.
A free spirit, an independent
thinker, bravely growing wild
and free. She needs to be nourished.
Cherished. Watered. Whole.
And it happens here.
I’m the Founder and CEO of Gaia Sacred Space, an Intuitive Healer, Visionary Artist, Teacher, and Dedicated to Re-Awakening Ancient Feminine Wisdom.
I am an Archeologist of the soul. I lead creative expeditions for women into their inner world to intuitively travel uncharted territories where we explore, discover & analyze ancient beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, excavate possibilities, and enjoy beautiful gardens to nurture the soul.
These journeys emphasize honoring herself and Inspire a deep sense of knowing & awareness which are essential to living a conscious life.
Imagine walking through life as the purest form of yourself, wild, free, and certain.
Embodying your destiny!
I stumbled upon a series of lost rituals from ancient times that women practiced to channel Divine Wisdom.
These were not women living on the margins of society as witches or outcasts.
Women like you and me, with partners, families, and dreams, turned to the wisdom of the Divine realm to create miracles of clarity and influence in their lives.
I read through portals to Divine knowledge one by one and started practicing them myself.
I was astonished by what happened next.
I never considered myself artistic, but suddenly I was creating beautiful paintings, and people bought them!
I was performing healing sessions using sound frequencies and eventually, launched my own company, Gaia Sacred Space. I now have the honor of leading women worldwide to find their purpose, destiny, and inner voice.
That’s the power of these lost rituals of the Sacred Feminine and the same is possible for you!